
I'm Chris Lee. I joined Paparazzi in 2020 and been having absolute fun. Not only am I having fun but I’m also able to bring extra income to my family. The love of my life are my mom and my 2 children. As I hit the ground running, I was amazed at how I was able to make money even with recovering from my surgeries to remove my cancer. I was able to help take care of my family by fixing our home from the roof, to my son’s room and the fence (anyone who lives in North Carolina you know about hurricanes) with my Paparazzi income. I was able to make my daughter’s tuition payments for college.

Paparazzi is more than just jewelry from what I have learned just by being a part of it-it’s a family!! I personally love being a part of Paparazzi!! I have a awesome team “The Bling Team” at which they are all great. So, if you want to join the family, we would love to have you and so will Paparazzi.  It’s about family, fun, flexibility of time, financial stability, and freedom. Most importantly loving 🥰 what your doing.